
Christopher Kuhn explore une nouvelle temporalité de la peinture, avec ces différentes couches qui, par effets d’optique, brouillent le continuum habituel d’une composition picturale. Aussi intègre-t-il de manière pertinente « le regardeur », afin de le laisser assembler l’œuvre en un tout cohérent et subjectif.

The American painter Christopher Kuhn engages in a new form of temporality. The multiple layers in his painting create optical effects that blur the conventional continuity of pictorial compositions. He thereby employs effective means to involve viewers in a pertinent manner, as their gaze assembles works into a coherent, subjective whole.



Peintre américain né à Chicago en 1977, Christopher Khun vit et travaille à Los Angeles, Californie. Il est diplômé du musée des beaux-arts de Boston. Et de l'American University of Paris avec un B.A. dans l'histoire de l'art.

Chez le peintre américain l’interrogation sur la surface et la profondeur est une matrice : le trouble qui résulte de ses « alchimies picturales », évoquant tour à tour la vie moléculaire, une cartographie, des formes organiques, provient du fait que ce qui semble lointain se trouve au contraire à la surface et vice et versa.


American painter born in Chicago in 1977, Christopher Khun lives and works in Los Angeles, California. He is a graduate of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts and from the American University of Paris with a B.A. in the history of art.

With Kuhn, surfaces and depths become a matrix. The disturbances that arise from his “painterly alchemy” represent molecular life here, recall cartography there, and elsewhere suggest organic shapes. What appears distant might in fact lie on the surface and vice versa.


Son travail a été présenté dans des expositions personnelles avec Geary Contemporary, NewYork, Galerie Sonce Alexander, Los Angeles, et Autonomie, Los Angeles; et à l'international avec Ronchini Gallery, London, et Field Contemporary, Vancouver.

Ronchini Gallery, Chicago, USA, "As I Live and Breathe" - Ronchini Gallery, London, UK, "Sleight of Hand" -  Geary Contemporary, New York, USA, "Buzz, Pop, Color" - Brainworks Gallery, Los Angeles, USA, "Abstract in the Singular"- Bentley Gallery, Phoenix, USA, "Abstract Miniatures" - Fine Art Complex1101, Tempe, USA

La Nuit s’Ouvre,  BLAM Projects, Los Angeles, USA, "Hashtag Abstract" - Ronchini Gallery, London, UK, "Sunny Side Up" - FIELD Contemporary, Vancouver, Canada "Material Witness" -  Sonce Alexander Gallery, Culver City, California, USA


Huffington Post, A Studio Visit with Christopher Kuhn , Painting Chops  -  Virginia Broersma ici

Harpers Bazaar Arabia, Hashtag Abstract: How The Digital Era Is Changing Art Appreciation. ici


His work has been featured in solo exhibitions with Geary Contemporary, NewYork, Sonce Alexander Gallery, Los Angeles, and Autonomy, Los Angeles; and internationally with Ronchini Gallery, London, and Field Contemporary, Vancouver.

Ronchini Gallery, Chicago, USA, "As I Live and Breathe" - Ronchini Gallery, London, UK, "Sleight of Hand" - Geary Contemporary, New York, USA, "Buzz, Pop, Color" - Brainworks Gallery, Los Angeles, USA, "Abstract in the Singular" - Bentley Gallery, Phoenix, USA, "Abstract Miniatures" - Fine Art Complex1101, Tempe, USA

La Nuit s’Ouvre, BLAM Projects, Los Angeles, USA, "Hashtag Abstract" - Ronchini Gallery, London, UK, "Sunny Side Up" - FIELD Contemporary, Vancouver, Canada "Material Witness" - Sonce Alexander Gallery, Culver City, California, USA


Huffington Post, A Studio Visit with Christopher Kuhn , Painting Chops  -  Virginia Broersma here

Harpers Bazaar Arabia, Hashtag Abstract: How The Digital Era Is Changing Art Appreciation here